Warm welcome to the Madhu Karun’á Summer Conference 2025!

Namaskar Brothers and Sisters!
I am delighted to invite you to join our annual gathering in Madhu Karuna, and experience a fresh wave of inspiration. We have designed the program to focus on building up spiritual inspiration through going deeply into our practices.
This year, we will have programs designed to delve deeper into our ideological foundations and discover how to apply and express that in our current world situation. I extend a heartfelt invitation to join us for enlightening workshops, lectures, and memorable cultural programs at this conference. I wholeheartedly urge you to participate alongside your family and spiritual brothers and sisters in the Summer Conference at Madhu Karun’á 2024. Do not miss this once-a-year event in Berlin Sector.
Together, let us seize the opportunity to grow spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally with tantric zeal. Your presence at the conference will not only enrich your own life but also contribute to the collective growth and harmony of Bábá’s Mission. May we approach the future with optimism and determination, knowing that we are guided by His Merciful Grace. Please come and join us.
In His Service,
Ácárya Ragamayánanda Avadhúta, SS Berlin Sector

Social functions during the conference

Ánanda Márga Revolutionary Marriage is one of the most significant functions of the Society Building Department of AMPS.
Ánanda Márga Baby Naming Ceremony is a very sweet function where we welcome a new member into our community.
Revolutionary marriages and Baby Naming ceremonies (Jata Karma) are held regularly during the Sectorial Conference in Madhu Karun’á. Would you like to have a ceremony during the summer conference?
Please contact:
Sectorial Society Building Secretary
Ácárya Jyotirupánanda Ávadhúta
Email: newreneditor@gmail.com
Kiirtan and other programs
Madhu Karuna is known for its beautiful, lively and inspiring kiirtans! This year there will be 18 hours of Akhanda Kiirtan plus lots of kiirtan morning, noon and evenings. We will also enjoy a Katha Kiirtan (spiritual story-telling session), a collective forest walk and special videos of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti.
There will be a vibrant cultural program with music, theatre and performances organised by RAWA – Renaissance for Artists and Writers Association.

Lesson reviews
It is highly recommended that you spend time during the conference reviewing your lessons with an Ácárya. This will help you to become more clear on how to practice your spiritual sadhana and also give you a boost and inspiration to do deep and blissful meditation during the conference.

Alternative places to stay
Would you like to stay in a near by guesthouse during the program, here are a few places that you can contact.
Gästehaus Wörner, Flonheim +49 6734-962479
Hotel zum Ochsen, Wonsheim +49 6703-3075087 info@zum-ochsen-wonsheim.de